About Hypothesis – Education (Google Adword)

Keep students engaged and connected with social annotation.

Hypothesis turns any online content into a collaborative learning experience.

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Make learning more active, visible, and social.

Social annotation enhances curriculum by adding a new, engaging dimension to learning. With Hypothesis, educators and students work together to improve reading proficiency and critical thinking skills.

Leave a note, comment, or highlight on anything online

Annonate anything online, without clicking away. Our technology is based on the standards that define the web, so it works everywhere, on anything.

Turn annotations into conversations

Teams, classrooms, and communities can join groups, share annotations, respond to each other, and go deep on what they find interesting.

Build durable shared knowledge

Shared annotations become a unifying layer of commentary and knowledge spanning everything you and your peers look at online.

Ready to unlock the full power of collaboration?
Fill out this form and start enhancing your digital interactions today.

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Work seamlessly with your LMS.

Hypothesis is LTI Advantage compliant, offering deep integrations with leading learning management systems. Talk to our sales team for a demo in your LMS.

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